Saturday, January 07, 2012

Week 1: Goal achieved, 38.9 km done

At the end of the first week of January, here's where I stand on my resolution:
I ran five times this week, skipping Tuesday and Friday. Total distance ran is 38.88 km (I need to do 38.5 km per week to meet my goal); average pace was 5:09/km. I did over 8 km on four of my runs, but did only about 6.5 km on Monday, due in part to the temperature (-45° C with the wind chill). I feel pretty good about it. Mostly I have been going out around 8 p.m., after Christine and Alexa have gone to bed, and it leaves me feeling energized. After I get home generally I get in some chores.

I'll update again next Saturday.


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