Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2: Came up a little short

Well, this was an interesting week.

Last Sunday night I went out for a nice run, but just as I was coming home ran into a pack of four loose dogs. Two of these dogs I'd encountered twice before since early December, and generally they act aggressively. Now there were two more added to the mix. What I view as the lead dog, a huskie, was growling, and staying right in front of me, while the other dogs tried to circle around from behind. I slowed down to a walk, not wanting to trigger a chase response, and just kept trying to face them, and not expose my back to any of them for very long. I only had maybe a hundred metres to get home, but it seemed to take a long time. I got up the stairs, and managed to get our gate closed (we've had a bungie cord holding it open since the frame of the porch is warped enough it won't close in this cold) when a vehicle pulled up to make sure I was okay, and that got the dogs moving away. I got inside, and phoned animal control, but I assume they didn't get there in time to intercept the dogs.

I didn't get bit, but that encounter certainly got the heart pumping!

Monday night I took off because I was feeling really tired, and Tuesday night because of an extreme wind chill warning (-52 with wind). Wednesday and Thursday nights were both fairly cold (-38 and -45 with wind, if I recall correctly), but I got in good runs both nights. There was a big water main break on Thursday night/early Friday morning that basically shut down the city on Friday. Twenty million litres of water escaped a broken pipe in twenty minutes, effectively draining the water storage at the treatment plant. We were without water most of that day, and I opted not to run because I wasn't confident there would be water to bathe with when I got home. Service was pretty much restored on Saturday, although there is still a boil water advisory in place and we're being warned to use water sparingly, but I got in a run last night and had a quick shower afterwards.

Totals for the week: Four runs; 33.87 km; average pace 5:12 min/km. A bit slower than last week, on average, but it is was also colder, and I have been taking fewer breaks during the runs. Last night was the first run I haven't stopped at all. Running total (pun fully intended) is 72.75 km, giving me a deficit of 4.25 km. Given that there is a blizzard warning in effect here right now, it doesn't look good for getting out today, either.

I got some sad news this week, my uncle Jim passed away on Tuesday. He collapsed while out clearing snow, and didn't make it. The medical examiner said he had advanced heart disease, but apparently wasn't showing symptoms. I feel really bad for my aunt Eileen, as this is her second partner to pass. I'm sorry Christine, Alexa and I won't be able to make the funeral, but the internment is being postponed until the summer, so we may be able to make that.

A somewhat happier subject is that my Mom is coming up for a visit this week. She arrives Tuesday, and will depart the following Tuesday. She's very excited to see her granddaughter, and we're looking forward to having her.


Blogger Ky said...

Yikes!! I'm glad you were safe, Matt.

11:41 p.m.  

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