Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 3: Goal achieved, but still in the red

This week I achieved my objective, but wasn't able to put much of a dent into my deficit from last week. I only managed to get four runs in, since there was a bit of a blizzard on Sunday and I was fighting off a cold on Wednesday and Thursday. However, the runs this week were all longer than the ones I had done previously. Here's the break-down by day:
  • Monday I did 9.17 km in 47:16
  • Tuesday I did 9.74 km in 49:27
  • Friday I did 10.01 km in 52:27
  • Saturday I did 9.71 km in 50:48

My total this week was 38.63 km, and the running total is 111.38 km. I still have a little bit over 4 km to make up, but if I can get in five runs this coming week I should be able to address that. I've decided to hold off from much in the way of interval training until we get some warmer weather. So far this month we've generally had base temperatures approaching or colder than -30 C, and wind chills colder than -40 C, which isn't very conducive to speed-work.

As for other events in my life this week: my mother arrived on Tuesday, and has been really enjoying some bonding time with her granddaughter. Alexa was baptized today, with many friends, and what family was available, in attendance. I took a bit of time off work for my mother's visit, and won't be going back until she heads home around lunch-time on Tuesday.


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