Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 10: Making gains

This week I got in five runs, for a total distance of 45.89 km. I considered putting in a sixth, but that didn't quite happen. Still, that puts me up 7.4 km for the week, and 8.4 km overall, so I can't complain. My total for the year, not including today's run, is 393.5 km.

The forecast for the coming week includes some days warmer than -20 degrees C, so I'm looking forward to that.

We received a new car seat for Alexa this week. We ordered it from Sears because it looks like it will be easier to strap into cars than the other one we have. The reason this is a concern is that many people in Iqaluit do not wear seat belts while driving, and some taxi drivers are not good about waiting for Christine to strap Alexa in. The older model seat we have might take 5-10 minutes to strap in, whereas the new unit shouldn't take more than 30 seconds - it's a much better design. Having this new seat will definitely give a bit more peace of mind when Alexa needs to go somewhere via taxi.

The only other noteworthy development is that Alexa learned how to scream this week. Joy! She's been practicing, which has put mommy's nerves on edge, but it looks like this stage may pass in a week or two. It might be a long week.


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