Saturday, November 24, 2012

Oops! Weeks 41 through 47

It has been a bit since I posted last. What can I say? Work, family and running have kept me busy; updating my blog isn't as high of a priority.

Today, at long last, I have zeroed the balance of kilometres to make up from the summer. I currently have run 1,810 km in 2012, and have 202 to go to complete my goal. With five weeks and two days remaining in the year, that should be achievable; I might even try to complete that my December 21, just in case the world ends that day :P.

Winter is well upon us here in Iqaluit. It's getting dark by 2:30 now, and we've had snow on the ground for more than a month. This makes my runs a bit more challenging, but I still get out most days.

One week from today Alexa turns one year old. It's pretty exciting, and quite the accomplishment for Christine and I: we've managed to keep her alive for a whole year, without breaking her! She took her first unassisted steps a little while ago, and frequently stands unassisted, but only when she doesn't notice what she's doing. Usually this is when Alexa's distracted by a toy she is holding. It's sort of a case of cartoon physics: the Road Runner is fine when he runs off the climb until he notices that there isn't any ground under him.

Alexa also has been talking more. This morning I was feeding her breakfast, including some blueberries. She asked, "[What is] This?". I told her "It's a blueberry." A few minutes later, when feeding her another berry, she said, "", and I responded, "That's right! It's a blueberry!" She then continued, "...ber." I love my little girl.

Hope all those I know with little ones, such as Lee and Michelle with their new arrival, and Maryanne and Chris who have one on the way, are well. Those without little ones, too.