Friday, September 21, 2007

Arrogant Worms

Well, last night I saw the Arrogant Worms perform for the sixth time. As usual, they put on a great show, and it was nice to have Mike McCormick back (who was missing last time due to a family emergency).

They performed at the Knox Metropolitan church in downtown Regina, it was pretty well packed, with a wide range of ages represented. I went with Christine and my parents, none of whom had seen the Worms perform before; I think they were all impressed.

Chris, Trevor and Mike played many of the concert favourites, including "Jesus' Brother Bob", "Carrot Juice is Murder" and "Mounted Animal Nature Trail", complete with 'moos', 'oinks' and 'meows' (for the bear) from the audience. After the show I bought a copy of their latest album, Beige, and lined up to get it signed by Chris Patterson and Trevor Strong (Mike hadn't shown up yet). I asked Chris whether they had ever performed "Mounted Animal Nature Trail" and not had the audience fill in sounds for the dead animals; he said that it had happened a couple of times, but the song went really slow when that happened.

One thing I noticed is that Mike McCormick is actually quite good with that guitar of his; I'm itching to get back into playing mine, I missed it when I was in Ontario.

So, the concert gets a big thumbs up (although Worms don't have thumbs...), and I'll be happy to go see them again in the future. They've had quite an impressive run, more than fifteen years now, but the Arrogant Worms enthusiasm remains undiminished after all that time.

Oh, and of course, they ended the set with "Last Saskatchewan Pirate", and only a day late for International Talk Like a Pirate day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Good to be home....oh, and "Arrrrr!"

Ahoy me harties! It be "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" again! Another year has walked the plank and is swimming with the fishes.

For a fortnight I bin sailing through the murky waters of northern Ontario, payin' careful attention to every spit and shoal I came across. Me treasure map must've been drafted by a bilge rat, fer no treasure was to be found. Treasure hunting 'tis tiring work, and most of it was in foul weather, until I found a sheltered harbour at North Bay. I wanted to plunder a mighty silver cup there, "Stanley's", but it was guarded too well. This cup wasn't even buried! Those scurvy dogs won't last long as pirates. 'Twas a brief sojourn in North Bay, before the tides drew me out again, and I sailed for me home port.

When the sun rises again, I be sailing south, with a "hee-ho, hi-ho, coming down the plains", for a buxom wench is waiting for me 'round Regina way. We be going to see some stalwart balladeers, the Arrogant Worms, beloved by every pirate for immortalizing our profession.

Now be the time to caulk the boat, mend 'er sails and stock in grog and other vittles, for winter be comin' upon us. I gonna be sailin' again two moons hence, for a salty sea-dog is said to be a master of finding buried loot. I be goin' to find his secrets, else he'll be finding how sharp the edge of me cutlass be!

May the seas treat you well, and fine weather be ahead! Arrrr!